Imagine a world...
Imagine a world where no special needs children exist? I'm sure many could advocate for why they think that is a good thing, but let me tell you what we would lose. We would lose the joy and laughter a child with an extra chromosome can bring. We would miss out on the lessons taught around acceptance, inclusivity and empathy. Yet isn't that the goal of prenatal genetic testing? To terminate children with extra chromosomes? Before they even get the chance to change the world for the better? I don't know about you but that's not actually a world I want to be apart of. Yet already in countries like Iceland there is a 100% abortion rate for children with Down Syndrome. I think it goes without saying that means 100% abortion rate for children like my sweet Evangeline with an extra 18th Chromosome too. I grew up in a time before prenatal genetic testing (I think it's been around about 10 years in NZ), that means that I went to school with several special needs child...